Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI
Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI is the public school in the Howell Public School District. Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI is made up of 305 students with 43% being male and 57% female. The ratio of teachers to students at Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI are 1:15 which is slightly better than the national average of 1:16, however this data could be subject to outliers.
The racial demographics at Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI are 88% white, 5% Hispanic or Latino, 4% Asian, 3% black or African American, 0% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 0% American Indian or Alaskan Native, and 2% two or more races. There are no native Hawaiians or Pacific Islanders at Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI.
Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI offers a variety of curricular and extracurricular activities. There is after school clubs such as chess club, art club, book club, and more to participate in. Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI also has a school band program for students who wish to learn how to play music. The sports teams at Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI are junior varsity and varsity soccer, volleyball, baseball/softball, cross country running team, track and field team , swimming team , wrestling team , basketball team , football team , golf, bowling . There are no known clubs or teams that focus on academics.
The list of events at Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI include the annual winter concert, parent/teacher conferences in April, and a talent show .
Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI has been rated 1.5 stars out of 5 stars from . Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI is very close to the average Michigan public school rating of 3 stars . Voyager Elementary School In Howell MI does not have enough reviews on google maps or other review sites to establish a score for their business on these platforms.
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